Self-determination in the Digital Era
Do you really think that you have free will ? I don’t think so.
People have wanted to have free will for many years. Even they fought each other to gain their freedom but they lost in this era, literally. Do you want to know that cause? Don’t look too far away, it is at your near; on your table, on the pocket, on arm, in a car, etc. That’s sound is familiar?
Yes, it is, because these are algorithms!
Today, most of these algorithms decide instead of decides which belongs to us. You have already seen that social media navigate us for example, When you decide to watch a movie on Netflix, firstly you face contents chosen by algorithms. Another example is Youtube, just click a related video about that what do you want to watch, that’s it! And many so on.
First of all you have to be self-confident
You have limited time, in order to many works which have to done, so you should prefer efficiently to your what do you want to watch. You should’nt be hooked on unneccessary contents which is exist on social media platforms.
Tidy time management is quitly important to save your daily routine, don’t be trapped when you spent your time on social platforms, spent your time only healthy content. Let me example of those; you can watch Tedx talks, also it can be gain you listening skills. You can buy a course on Udemy — you can chase discount times like black friday so on. If you think that yourself addicted social media, I can suggest a book for you which named is Digital Minimalism, authored by Cal Newport, thus you can learn new ideas, how to give up those habbits and evulate your free time.
Don’ forget that you are a person, you have ideas that belongs to you you don’t have to leave your free times to algorithms’ s mercy.